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Category: School Portal

2/10/23: Information Updates Regarding Next Week’s Drop Deadline

Hello from MTDA’s central offices at the University of Montana in Missoula!

With school cost-sharing in mind, we ask schools to take heightened notice of our spring 2023 original credit and middle school drop deadline.  Per our academic calendar and cost-sharing information page, this term’s drop deadline is Monday, February 13th.

Directions for putting in a drop request appear here.  Drops are processed every day on weekdays.  Once the course is dropped, it no longer appears on the student’s profile screen or your current enrollment reports.

After the drop deadline, MTDA will pull enrollment reports for the term and start invoices for your school for the spring term. We will apply charges for each listed enrollment in the original credit and middle school programs. Any original credit or middle school drops prior to the end of business Monday, February 13, 2023, will not be charged the cost-sharing fee. Please review the cost-sharing information page for all program-specific information.

MTDA staff strongly suggests that you review your enrollment list this week to audit your current enrollments. You can check your current enrollments in GeniusSIS by going to the ACTION REPORT tab, then pressing “Get Data.”  Please be certain the report is accurate and shows all of the students you want to be enrolled.  After the drop deadline, all listed enrollments will be invoiced with no exceptions. 

If you have any questions about this process, please contact our support desk or offices, 406-203-1812, right away!

Summer 2023 and initial Fall 2023 Information Available

MTDA has released the Summer 2023 Original Credit and Credit Recovery briefing pages as well as the academic calendar for both programs. If your school is interested in enrolling students in either program please review the briefing documents in detail as there are a number of factors to consider during the summer term.

MTDA Summer 2023 Semester Briefing Pages

Summer Academic Calendars are now available.

Cost-Sharing fees remain the same for Summer 2023.

Summer Enrollment opening

  • Summer Credit Recovery: Thursday, March 16, 2023
  • Summer High School Original Credit: Monday, April 3, 2023

MTDA Initial Fall Information

MTDA has released Fall 2023 course lists and academic calendars for High School and Middle School Original Credit programs and the SY2023-2024 Credit Recovery program. MTDA is planning on additional course titles that will be added to the course list throughout the spring. The course list will be updated and additional communications will be sent out as additions are added.

Fall Enrollment opening

  • School Year 2023-2024 Credit Recovery: Thursday, March 16, 2023
  • Fall High School and Middle School Original Credit: Monday, April 3, 2023

Fall Briefing pages will be released when enrollment opens for each program.

Please don’t hesitate to contact our staff with any questions or concerns.

Spring 2023 Senior Exit Information

The Senior Exit Information has been updated for Spring 2023 semester. Please review here:

Thank you,

Mike Agostinelli, Ed.S.



Phyllis J. Washington College of Education at the University of Montana

t: 406-203-1812  |  f: 406-203-1815

e:  |  w: 


August 2022 Update for Montana School Administrators

Three Important Messages from Montana Digital Academy

Good day from the Montana Digital Academy headquarters at the University of Montana in Missoula!  On behalf of our faculty and staff, welcome back to school!  I hope you had an opportunity to step away from the office this summer.

MTDA staff is hard at work preparing for the upcoming school year and look forward to working with you and your students and staff.  MTDA has several new programs and opportunities for students that we’ll share in the coming weeks via our school administrator and facilitator announcement emails. However, I’d like to focus on three important messages for all Montana schools.

First, MTDA is ready to serve individual middle school and high school public school students in a full-time capacity for the 22-23 school year.  If you have students who need multiple enrollments to help meet their educational goals or to facilitate being remote from your school, we can serve students in up to six enrollments in the fall and spring semesters.  As in the past, multiple enrollment students will still need access to local assistance.

Second, MTDA is prepared to assist schools that need emergency services to fill in gaps created by teacher shortages.  Our staff has prepared a detailed toolkit ( with specific action steps to help manage communication and expectations based on our experience and national best practices.  Should you need assistance in this way, please contact MTDA’s support desk ( to schedule a consultation call as soon as you suspect you might need assistance.

Third, MTDA’s award-winning EdReady Montana program remains a robust option for schools looking to adopt tools that drive placement, personalization, and competency assessment in mathematics and English.  EdReady remains free due to generous support from the Dennis and Phyllis Washington Foundation.  Contact the help desk ( to set up a consultation call or professional development to implement EdReady today!

MTDA staff is at your service to assist with implementing our services and consult on distance learning theory or best practices.  Contact us today!

Best wishes for a great school year!

Jason Neiffer, Ed.D.
Executive Director
Montana Digital Academy

Spring 2022 Original Credit Briefing

MTDA Microphone Graphic 600 Wide

Spring 2022 Original Credit Briefing
Counselors, Administrators, and Site Facilitators

Updated 11/22/2021

Notice to students and parents: This information is intended for distribution to schools and districts only and may contain details that do not apply to your local district’s participation in MTDA services. If you are interested in enrolling in courses with Montana Digital Academy, your first contact should be with the counseling department or administration of your local public school to discuss what is available locally.  MTDA does not take enrollments directly from students or their parents.

Important note for districts: Enrollment for Spring 2022 opens November 22, 2021  We will continue to work to efficiently manage MTDA resources to meet the needs of your students in this and future semesters.  We continue to ask you to assist us in making the best use of MTDA resources by thoughtfully and deliberately enrolling students that you believe will be successful in online classes.

Cost-Sharing Statement

On June 14, 2021, the MTDA Governing Board exercised its authority granted by MCA 20-7-1202 to begin cost-sharing with districts in fall 2021.  This applies to the MTDA original credit program.  Before enrolling any student for the upcoming term, please review our information page regarding payment: link.

COVID-19 Statement

MTDA continues to monitor the Covid-19 situation as it applies to educational services across the State of Montana.  At this point, MTDA continues to serve in our pre-COVID-19 service model.

If you choose to enroll students that have any impact on their ability to learn or engage due to Covid-related circumstances, you must review MTDA entrance counseling forms with students and their families to help communicate the requirements and expectations of students to participate in MTDA services.


  • Please review our student registration page for information on data collection, entrance counseling, and student registration in the site facilitator handbook.
  • Please be mindful of course requirements and prerequisites.  We rely on local school officials to determine appropriate placement in MTDA programs and services. Many full-year courses are not available for mid-year enrollment (for example, mid-year entry in AP Biology with no prior background), and students that are attempting to switch from face-to-face to MTDA mid-year should contact the support desk well ahead of enrollment to discuss the situation.  Also, schools should be cautious to enroll students in the spring term of a full-year course where they do not have a successful history with the Fall semester in any format (for example, a student failing Fall Algebra I A/1st Semester does not meet the minimum prerequisites for enrolling in Algebra I B/2nd semester).
  • As noted in our facilitator handbook, each student account must have an accurate, unique, and functioning email address for each student enrolled in the system.  If your district’s student email system blocks outside emails, please work with your IT department to unblock MTDA email addresses BEFORE enrolling.  Additionally note, Apple addresses do not allow access to many automated email systems; please use an alternative.
  • Registration for Spring 2022 opens on November 22, 2021.  We will again enforce an “Initial Course Request Deadline” on Wednesday, January 19, 2022.  MTDA will finalize sections on that day and assign teachers.  We may or may not have additional slots open in any particular course after this day.  If you choose to enroll a student on or after the course start date on January 24, 2022, you must play an active role in helping that student get in the course and catch up to pace.  Students that are enrolled after the course starts have a significantly higher drop rate and ultimately lower success rate.
  • Please use the enrollment counseling forms when enrolling students and give a copy of the form to the student after enrollment.  This form helps decrease confusion on behalf of the student and their parents and opens up communication lines.  Our enrollment counseling page is here: LINK.

Program Information

  • Our course list for Spring 2021 is here: LINK.
  • Our 2021-2022 Academic Calendar is located here: LINK.
  • Our 2021-2022 course catalog and course offering lists are located here: LINK.
  • Significant program changes (please check back here for an up-to-date list):
    • New Courses for Spring 2021
      • Google Workspace Career Tech – CTE/Business elective.
      • US History I (Dual Credit) is a Social Studies/History course that covers the second half of US history.
    • New Courses from Fall 2021
      • Public Health is a CTE/Health Science elective.
      • Hospitality and Tourism Marketing is a CTE/Business elective.
      • Photoshop Introduction is a CTE/Business elective.
  • Course Enrollment Limitations
    • Latin I and II are limited to ONE section, due to teacher availability.  These slots are available first-come, first-served.
    • CTE/Agriculture Education courses are limited to ONE section, due to teacher availability.  These slots are available first-come, first-served.
  • Dual Credit Course Information
  • NCAA: If you are considering MTDA courses for a student that could be a future NCAA athlete, be sure to review our page regarding MTDA and the NCAA.
  • IEPs/504 information: If you have a student that has 504 or IEP accommodations, please review required procedures for sharing accommodation requests in our site facilitator handbook (short link to specific pages: link)

2021-2022 Advanced Placement™ Information

Thank you for entrusting your student with MTDA for an Advanced Placement™ course. We are very proud of our AP™ program, which has experienced growth in the past five years, outpacing the rest of our program. Our exam passage rates exceed the state average, and we continue to refine our delivery and engagement models. We have had positive and constructive feedback from our students and look forward to continuing to enhance and polish the student experience in the program. We, of course, also welcome your feedback!

Covid-Related Information

MTDA will offer our full complement of dual credit and Advance Placement™ courses for the 2021-2022 school year.  However, AP™ exam administration and registration are completely outside of MTDA.  Schools should keep a close eye on the College Board’s “AP Central” website for updates regarding testing in the Spring.

Resource: AP™ Central Webpage (link).

Test Administration/Ordering Exams

You must plan and take action now for students taking the Advanced Placement™ tests, May 2022.

As a distance learning provider, MTDA has no role in the administration of Advanced Placement™ exams. We will do our best to assist, but exam administration happens in face-to-face environments and not online.

Please refer to this excellent checklist from the CollegeBoard on setup, enrollment, and ordering tests:

Resource: AP Coordinator Checklist (link).

FOR SCHOOLS THAT ARE ALREADY REGISTERED TO OFFER AP EXAMS: In addition to the earlier fall deadline, the process for ordering exams changed for students Fall 2019.  You need to create “exam only” sections for your MTDA AP students, and then order exams for that particular section. Otherwise, the process is the same for your local students.

FOR SCHOOLS THAT ARE NOT REGISTERED TO OFFER AP EXAMS, your options are to register to do so, or, work with a neighboring district that offers AP testing. With shorter deadlines, we recommend that you start the process today to determine the best setup for your MTDA AP students.

The best resource to get started is the College Board’s “Start AP” page, located here:

The page contains an excellent set of resources on how to get started, including a timeline and contact information for assistance at the College Board itself. The “Getting Approved to Administer Exams” page goes through that process step-by-step. Once that is complete, you will need to order exams, per the directions above.

Additional Assistance

We know that the processes involved can be challenging and that instructions aren’t necessarily clear. We suggest contacting the College Board first with questions. If you are not able to get a clear answer or if the answer conflicts with what we are advising above, please contact the support desk.

We sincerely appreciate working with you to help serve students across the state by delivering programs like Advanced Placement™ courses. Do let our staff know if we can be of any assistance!

Cost Sharing Information for Schools


On June 14, 2021, the MTDA Governing Board exercised its authority granted by MCA 20-7-1202 to begin cost-sharing with districts. The legislature continues to provide an appropriation to MTDA at the level established in 2015. 

This decision, which was not taken lightly, was made to continue to offer a wide variety of supplemental courses to all Montana students while maintaining our commitment to deliver highly responsive customer service and support to students, parents, and school communities.

MTDA course cost-sharing fee for the  2024-2025 school year:

  • $123 per semester enrollment for original credit 
  • $61.50 per quarter enrollment for FlexCAP

This fee represents only a small portion of the overall cost of each student enrollment in MTDA courses. 

As you navigate this new model, we are sharing a few resources for your reference:

Dual Credit Courses will remain at no cost-share to districts, per an agreement with the Board of Regents, for the 2023-24 school year. NOTE: Cost alone should not be a deciding factor for enrollment. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the cost-sharing amount?

Original Credit: $123 per semester course enrollment.

Example: Sally Student is enrolled in Oceanography and Mythology for the semester. The school district will be billed for $246 ($123 x 2 courses) for that student enrollment.

FlexCAP: $61.50 per quarter course enrollment

All FlexCAP courses are broken down into quarter lengths (identified as Part 1 & 2) to give schools maximum flexibility. All FlexCAP enrollments will begin with Part 1 of the semester-based course.

Dual Credit Courses will remain at no cost-share to districts, per an agreement with the Board of Regents, for the 2024-25 school year.

Can MTDA cost-sharing fees be paid by parents?

MCA 20-7-1202 provides the following guidance:

“Funding — rulemaking authority. (2) A school district is prohibited from charging a fee to a student who enrolls in a class provided by the Montana digital academy that the school district requires for graduation.”

MTDA is not in a position to interpret 20-7-1202 to clarify specific circumstances where you can or cannot hand a cost to a third party. We would suggest bringing in your school’s legal counsel, or alternatively, if your district is a member of the Montana School Board Association, they are prepared for your call to discuss specifics regarding this issue.

Can MTDA accept personal checks?

MTDA respectfully requests payment from the district for the entirety of an invoice. We are unable to accept personal checks.

Does MTDA have a cost estimate based on our past enrollment?

Yes, please email requesting a cost estimate using your district’s previous enrollment data.

How can I enroll a student?

MTDA requires districts to identify “Site Facilitators” to enroll students in the program. These “Site Facilitators” are authorized by the district to incur cost-sharing fees associated with enrolling students on behalf of the district. MTDA maintains a list of authorized site facilitators approved by the district. MTDA requires either the district superintendent or school principal to designate authorized staff responsible for enrolling students.

MTDA will annually contact the district with the current authorized Site Facilitators for review. 

To facilitate smooth student enrollment, districts are encouraged to contact MTDA to change or review their approved Site Facilitator List by emailing

Can other staff have access to the system without enrolling authority?

Yes, MTDA provides the role of “Local Support” to be able to view current enrollments, check grades, and monitor communications. The Local Support role does not have the ability to enroll students in MTDA courses.

How is billing handled?

Original Credit: 

During student enrollment, MTDA will require a PO number to be referenced for each student enrollment. This can be the same or a separate PO number for each enrollment. 

Upon enrollment, the Site Facilitator will be asked to confirm they have the authorization to complete the enrollment process.

For Spring 2025, courses begin January 21st.  Students may be dropped from enrollment until the drop deadline, February 11th, without the district being charged a cost-sharing fee. After the drop deadline has passed (February 12th) all enrollments by the district will be invoiced a cost-sharing fee of $123 per course enrollment. Invoices will be emailed to the superintendent, principal, and district clerk on record. Invoices will include a detailed report of the students enrolled, PO number(s), and the enrolling Site Facilitator. 

If a school decides to request a drop after the drop period, MTDA will honor the request and report a W/F back to the district. MTDA does not issue refunds for drops initiated after the drop deadline (Spring 2025 – February 11th).


During student enrollment, MTDA will require a PO number to be referenced for each student enrollment. This can be the same or a separate PO number for each enrollment.  Upon enrollment, the Site Facilitator will be asked to confirm they have the authorization to complete the enrollment process.

FlexCAP 2024-25 School Year

Students have 11 weeks from enrollment to complete the quarter course. Students may be dropped up to one week after enrollment without incurring a fee from MTDA. One week after enrollment, the $61.50 per quarter course enrollment fee will be invoiced. MTDA will be invoicing schools after the drop period has passed.

Invoices will be emailed to the superintendent, principal, and district clerk on record. Invoices will include a detailed report of the students enrolled, PO number(s), and the enrolling Site Facilitator. 

If a school decides to request a drop after the drop period, MTDA will honor the request and report a W/F back to the district. MTDA does not issue refunds for drops initiated after the drop period. Students who do not complete the course after 11 weeks from enrollment will be considered to have failed and be dropped from the course.

Does MTDA accept credit card payments?

Currently, MTDA requires a PO number for enrollment only. Credit card payments are not supported at this time.

What are the enrollment periods?

HS and MS Original Credit : 

Spring 2025:

Original Credit, Dual Credit, and Middle School will open on November 1st, 2024. The initial course request deadline is January 15th, 2025. The late enrollment deadline is January 24th, 2025.


FlexCAP is an open enrollment program and is open for the school year 24-25. (Summer Session is included in the FlexCAP 24-25 term, please refer to the briefing document on the Schools page for more information).

How are drops going to be handled?

MTDA will maintain its standard drop periods.  

Original Credit and Middle School: 

For Spring 2025, courses begin January 21st.  Students may be dropped from enrollment until the drop deadline, February 11th, without the district being charged a cost-sharing fee. After the drop deadline has passed (February 12th) all enrollments by the district will be invoiced a cost-sharing fee of $123 per course enrollment. Invoices will be emailed to the superintendent, principal, and district clerk on record. Invoices will include a detailed report of the students enrolled, PO number(s), and the enrolling Site Facilitator. 

If a school decides to request a drop after the drop period, MTDA will honor the request and report a W/F back to the district. MTDA does not issue refunds for drops initiated after the drop deadline (Spring 2025 – February 11th).


2024-25 School Year

Students have 11 weeks from enrollment to complete the quarter course. Students may be dropped up to one week after enrollment without incurring a fee from MTDA. One week after enrollment, the $61.50 per quarter course enrollment fee will be invoiced. MTDA will be invoicing schools after the drop period has passed.

If a school decides to request a drop after the drop period, MTDA will honor the request and report a W/F back to the district. MTDA does not issue refunds for drops initiated after the drop period. Students who do not complete the course after 11 weeks from enrollment will be considered to have failed and be dropped from the course.

What is the maximum number of courses a student can be enrolled in?

School Year Terms

Students can be enrolled in a maximum of 7 Original Credit and/or FlexCAP courses per semester. Note: If using FlexCAP for a student to recover credit, MTDA recommends enrolling in one course at a time.

Will MTDA take enrollments directly from students or parents?

No, MTDA will continue the enrollment process through a student’s local public school, as defined in law. Any direct calls MTDA receives from students or parents inquiring about enrollment will be referred back to the student’s local public school. 

What courses will MTDA be offering for Spring 2025?

Please refer to our course catalog.

What available funds can I use to support my school’s use of MTDA?

ESSER funds can likely help support many implementation scenarios for all of MTDA’s formats, including Original Credit, Credit Recovery, and IPCs. To assist with reporting, contact Wendi Fawns, ESSER/EANS Director (406.437.8595 or

Title IV-A funds (part of the ESEA/ESSA Consolidated Grant application for schools) can likely support many implementation scenarios for all MTDA formats, including Original Credit, Credit Recovery, and IPCs.  For assistance and/or more information, contact Paige Sedahl, Program Manager Title IV-A (406.422.2821 or

Title II, Part A funds may be appropriate for funding some MTDA formats including Original Credit (as long as it isn’t offered by the school district), FlexCAP, and IPCs. To get assistance with those scenarios, contact Christy Hendricks, Federal Grants Coordinator (406.444.0794 or

Title I, Part A funds might be appropriate for funding some MTDA formats including Original Credit, FlexCAP, and IPCs. To get assistance with those scenarios, contact Serena Wright, Title I Specialist (406.410.4098 or

Cost-Sharing Informational One-Pager

Cost Sharing One-Pager

Accessible Cost Sharing One-Pager

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Do NOT USE THIS FORM.  This is a test form.


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Summer 2021 High School Original Credit Briefing

MTDA Microphone Graphic 600 Wide

Summer 2021 High School Original Credit Briefing for
Counselors, Administrators, and Site Facilitators

Updated 04/26/2021

Notice to students and parents: This information is intended for distribution to public school districts and may contain details that do not apply to your local district’s program.  If you are interested in enrolling in courses with Montana Digital Academy, your first contact should be to the counseling department or administration of your local school to discuss what is available locally.

Montana Digital Academy is pleased to announce details about our Summer 2021 program for high school original credit.   If you intend to use the program, please take ten minutes and review the information below.  We encourage you to connect with MTDA staff right away if you have questions or unique situations you’d like to discuss.

Note: This information is accurate at the time of publication.  We will make changes to this page as details change.

Special Notes for Summer 2021

  • The MTDA Original Credit program is not intended to be a credit recovery program, and districts are advised against placing students in original credit programs if they aren’t able or willing to be active, independent participants in their MTDA courses.  If you are enrolling students that need additional adult assistance, you should have local adult resources available (tutors, facilitators, etc.) to provide extra support to high-need students.
  • Schools should take heightened notice of our entrance counseling forms, and vet students carefully to ensure that they have the appropriate access.  As a distance learning program, consistent Internet and computer access are a minimum requirement on the first day of the course.  Based on feedback from our last three terms under Covid, some students may lack alternative access options traditionally available as backups (public libraries, friend/family access, school-facilitated access) in light of building and program closures.  We are not able to renegotiate summer program requirements due to a lack of consistent Internet access.
  • We are sensitive to the time-sensitive credit needs of some students, especially Class of 2021 seniors.  We strongly recommend that local districts start to find low-tech alternatives for students who lack technical resources or opportunities due to their personal circumstances.

Summer 2021 Resource Kit

  • Summer 2021 academic calendar: link.
  • Summer 2021 entrance counseling form: link.
  • Summer 2021 parent checklist: link.  This is a newer resource for counselors and administrators discussing the summer program with parents.


  • Please review our student registration page for information on data collection, entrance counseling, and student registration for Summer.  That page is located here: link.
  • Registration for Summer 2021 courses is available NOW.  We will enforce our “Initial Enrollment Request” deadline on June 4, 2021, to have sufficient time for teachers to prepare materials.  We will guarantee placement for students enrolled on or before this date but will not add new sections after.  This deadline covers both summer sessions.  Please plan your local enrollment around this deadline, as we can offer no flexibility on these dates.
  • Two classes per session are considered “full-time” during the summer session.  This is a firm limitation for the summer program.
  • Please use the enrollment counseling forms when enrolling students and give a copy of the form to the student after enrollment.  This form helps decrease confusion on behalf of the student and their parents and opens up communication lines.  Our enrollment counseling page is here: link.  A quotation from one of our experienced facilitators in a recent semester… “The entrance counseling tool is perfect for communicating requirements to students and parents!” The entrance counseling form is especially essential for the summer original credit program as students and parents often report to MTDA that they felt unprepared for and unaware of the intensity of the summer schedule.

Summer Program Best Practices

MTDA strongly recommends these best practices for a successful summer program:
  • Students participating in the summer program must express interest and motivation to complete the summer course.  To help conserve resources, MTDA asks that districts do not place students into MTDA summer programs that aren’t interested in the program or supported either at school or home.  Please consider using tools like our student readiness survey to help determine if the student has enough support to succeed in an online course: link.  Students that are not up and running during the first three days of the class will be dropped, no exception.  The summer original credit program is NOT a good fit for a student that is retaking a course.
  • Enrollment officials should consider the availability of computer access in the homes of students taking courses.  Students will need access to a computer for an average of 3-5 hours per course, per day, for original credit courses.  As the lack of access will not modify course expectations or deadlines, we require that students secure multiple means of access.
  • Due to the tight schedule of the summer session, students must start and stop courses on schedule.  Local assistance may be required to help guarantee student success.
  • Please be clear to students that this program is not designed to work around camps or vacations if the student cannot work in each course for 3-5 hours per day.  The significantly compressed schedule is not as forgiving as a typical semester format.

Important note for districts: Don’t hesitate to contact MTDA staff in Missoula if you want to walk through setting up a summer program for your students.  We would love to chat with you about what you can expect and what you might consider setting up locally to help your students succeed!

Program Information

Summer Course Availability

Session 1 (June 9, 2021, to July 13, 2021)

  • Algebra I A
  • American Government Full Year A
  • American Government Single Semester (one semester)
  • Anatomy & Physiology A
  • Biology A
  • Criminology (one semester)
  • Earth Science A
  • English III A
  • English IV A
  • Geometry A
  • Health (single semester)
  • Personal Finance (single semester)
  • US History A

Session 2 (July 14, 2021, to August 13, 2021)

  • Algebra I B
  • American Government Full Year B
  • Anatomy & Physiology B
  • Biology B
  • Creative Writing (single semester)
  • Digital Photography (single semester)
  • Earth Science B
  • English III B
  • English IV B
  • Geometry B
  • Psychology (single semester)
  • Sports Officiating (single semester)
  • US History B

Other Details

  • Our Summer 2021 Academic Calendar is located here: link.
  • Students will be expected to get started in courses per the MTDA calendar, even if your local school is still in session.  Starting a week or two late in the summer program is not an option due to the tight timelines.  Please discuss this with interested students before enrollment.
  • Our course catalog is located here: link.
  • The drop deadline for the summer program is June 15 (session 1) and July 20 (session 2).  We understand that most programs do not have summer staffing available to facilitate drops through our typical process.  We will attempt to connect with programs with staffing but will otherwise drop at student/parent request.

12/2/2020: Open Enrollment Pending

Good afternoon from MTDA offices in Missoula!

MTDA enrollment is open; however, there are certain instances in GeniusSIS where a student is limited from enrolling without cause.  We are working on resolving the issue.

In the meantime, please review our released briefing documents regarding the Spring 2021 program.