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Category: School Portal

Reminder: Deadline for Summer Original Credit Enrollment

Attention site facilitators:

A friendly reminder that Wednesday, June 4, 2014 is the final deadline enrollment for this summer’s high school original credit summer program.  We will be sectioning off courses beginning Thursday morning and after that process beginnings, no new enrollments will be accepted under any circumstances.  Please be sure to have ALL of your summer enrollments in before Wednesday!

If you have any questions, please contact our support desk, support (at)

Thank you!

Please attend an EdReady Montana Webinar

Attention administrators, math teachers and site facilitators:

Please consider attending a webinar on EdReady Montana, MTDA’s new readiness platform program.  There are five webinars scheduled over the next three weeks.  We look forward to brining this tool to students in the State of Montana.

Click here for the webinar schedule.

Finals Proctoring Information Released

Attention all site facilitators:  MTDA has released updated information for finals proctoring for Spring 2014.  All site facilitators should review this information right away in anticipation of our May 19, 2014 finals week.  Click here for our information page.

Excuse our mess!

Hello from Montana Digital Academy!

MTDA has moved its website to a new platform over the weekend and will spend time over the next week cleaning up broken links and making changes to give you better access to the information you are looking for on our site.

If you run into a broken link or other website issue, please contact our helpdesk with that information.  Thank you!