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Category: School Portal

4/12/2018 (10:38am): Moodle Down



Good morning from the MTDA offices.  Moodle, the primary location for all MTDA classes, is currently down with a reported “fatal error.”  MTDA staff is aware of the problem and we are currently working on a solution with our partner.  Please check back in this space for updates.

We apologize for any inconvenience.


1/22/18: High School Original Credit Enrollment Continues

The Spring 2018 initial course request deadline has passed and we have sectioned off courses and assigned teachers.  Enrollment remains open for Spring 2018 with remaining course capacity open for your students. The vast majority of our courses have additional capacity for enrollment.You can see an always-updated list of available courses by clicking here.
For the handful of courses that have hit enrollment caps, that course will no longer appear for enrollment in GeniusSIS.  We don’t have a means of keeping a waitlist, however, we will process any drop we receive at 9:59 am each weekday so that you can check for open slots at 10:00 am each morning, first come, first served.
Please don’t hesitate to contact our staff if you have any questions!

Enrollment will remain open for high school original credit classes until January 26, 2018, with the exception of classes that fill.  At this point, we have room in the vast majority of courses!  Enroll away!

Fall 2017 End of Semester Reminders!

Attention all facilitators and local support folks:

High School Original Credit Reminders

High school original credit finals are next week, January 16-18, 2018. We have already sent out proctoring information to both students and facilitators. If this process is unfamiliar to you or believe you haven’t received a needed notification, please contact MTDA support right away,, for assistance.

We need your help locally to identify students that need proctoring and then set up the appropriate environment. Our final windows is limited to the three days next week. Please assist by connecting with your original credit students to confirm whether or not they require a proctored final and then set up the needed environment. Thank you!

High School Credit Recovery Reminders

The high school credit recovery programs ends on January 19, 2018. As in past semesters, we have a process for extensions in this program. All facilitators and local support should review our policy and procedure right away on our Fall 2017 briefing page.

If you have any questions about this process, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Let’s Talk!

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, let’s connect and chat! Contact us via our office phone or support desk.

Happy Holidays from Montana Digital Academy!

Per our academic calendar, we will be running a limited schedule from December 21, 2017, to January 1, 2018.

During that time:

  • Teacher services will not be available. You are encouraged to email your teachers with any issues, however, you will likely not receive a response until January 2nd.
  • The MTDA offices in Missoula are closed on December 25th and January 1st. We will observe our normal business hours on other weekdays, 8am-5pm.  Light staffing will be available to assist with questions.
  • Support desk services are available but may be limited or delayed. Support tickets should be directed to

From all of our teachers and staff at MTDA, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

Spring 2018 Semester Announcement

Open for Enrollment

We want to convey to all of the schools and students we serve that we have been able to efficiently manage MTDA resources so that we are in a position to meet your enrollment needs for the upcoming spring semester. We continue to ask that you assist us in making the best use of MTDA resources by thoughtfully and deliberately enrolling students that you feel will be successful in online classes. While there still may be some uncertainty in what the long-term future will bring, concerning funding levels, we can say with confidence that we will be able to fulfill your enrollment needs for the Spring 2018 semester.

The MTDA Team

12/12/2017: Additional MLS Enrollment Slots Available

After careful analysis of our budget and enrollment data, we are able to add additional enrollments for the Spring 2018 MLS program, across all language options. On Wednesday, December 13, 2017, at 8:00 am, MTDA will open up five additional slots per section, for a total of 55 new enrollment slots between the two course sessions.

If you have any questions, please contact the support desk!

Fall 2017 Final Exams

Proctoring Information

Students in many MTDA original credit courses are required to take final exams in a proctored, secure exam environment.

Rationale: Per the request of both MTDA teachers and participating school district administrators and teachers, MTDA will ask local districts to create a proctored environment for class finals should that be necessary for specific MTDA courses. You can see a list of exams that require proctoring starting December 4, 2017, on this page: PUBLIC Link.

Procedures for proctored exams:

  • MTDA will offer student finals during their final exam period, scheduled for January 16-18, 2018.  The exam will generally take no longer than two hours, however special instructions may apply by individual course.
  • Proctor exams must be monitored by an adult (for example, a counselor, teacher, administrator or paraprofessional) named by the local site facilitator or school.  We have created a document with “best practices” for test proctors (see below). It may NOT be proctored by a parent or another student.
  • The designated proctor must supervise the student for the entire duration of the final exam.
  • All proctored exams are password protected.  The passwords will be sent to the primary contact from each school, and that person should distribute passwords to the designated proctors the week of January 2, 2018.  It is the responsibility of the local site facilitator to share appropriate passwords with designated proctors. Passwords are to remain secure and shared only with appropriate school personnel.
  • Proctored exams mean that students have access to no other materials during the exam, including notes, textbooks, translators or other course materials. Some courses ask for additional factors as noted on the digital passcode sheet.
  • Designated proctors must also monitor students to make sure that additional browser windows are not open and electronic devices like cell phones, iPads, tablet PCs, etc are not being used during the exam.
  • No finals will be available before January 16, 2018. All final exams must be completed by January 18, 2018.  There will be a makeup period for exams on January 19, 2018, for students with verifiable medical excuses only.

Finals Proctoring Information Best Practices

Please print this document for sharing with your named proctored linked HERE.

Please, direct questions about proctoring to  Christen Cole, MTDA Instructional Registrar,, 406-203-1812. Thank you for your cooperation.