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Author: MTDA Staff

09/13/2017: All Websites Functioning Properly

Attention all MTDA users:  As you may have noticed, we had a website and tool outage this afternoon.  As of 3:10 pm, all properties are operating normally.

If you run into any issues, please contact the support desk,, for assistance.

We apologize for the outage and appreciate your patience!

09/5/2017: High School Original Credit Courses Start Today

Good morning from the MTDA offices at the University of Montana in Missoula!

The MTDA Fall 2017 High School Original Credit program starts today, Tuesday, September 5, 2017!  Courses opened at 8 am this morning and we hope you are as excited to get started as we are excited to work with you this fall!

We sent out an important email to all students yesterday afternoon with information about getting logged in and started.  If you didn’t receive that email, the important bits appear below.  It is important that you get up and started ASAP!

Usernames and Passwords

As of the day of enrollment, all student usernames and passwords were emailed to students. If you do not have your username and password, please contact the MTDA help desk at If you are a past student at MTDA, a new username will NOT be emailed to you, and you should use your existing login and password. If you don’t remember that login, please contact the help desk.

Program Dates

Our original credit Fall 2017 semester starts tomorrow, September 5, 2017. Classrooms will be open by 8 am tomorrow morning! It is important that you get up and started this week as there are assignments and expectations for you in the course due soon. Students that are not logged in and up to pace by week’s end risk being dropped from the course so don’t delay your start! Remember, MTDA runs its own academic calendar, so, we may differ from your local school’s calendar.

The last day of the program is Friday, January 19, 2018. No assignments will be accepted after 5 pm on that day.

Although the virtual classrooms are open for access and student work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, our classes are considered “in session” Monday-Friday, per our academic calendar located at


MTDA has a brief orientation program for students and parents. You may access our orientation-on-demand program available by clicking here: That program includes information on how and where to log in.

Need Help?

Throughout the semester, please don’t be afraid to contact your instructor for help as soon as you run into problems. Additionally, you may contact the MTDA help desk at for technical support, or assistance contacting an instructor if you are not getting a response. We want you to be successful in your MTDA course!

Have a GREAT semester! We are honored to serve you and hope you will call on us right away if you experience any issues!


08/31/2017: High School Original Credit Enrollment Continues

The Fall 2017 initial course request deadline has passed and we have sectioned off courses and assigned teachers.  Enrollment remains open for Fall 2017 with remaining course capacity open for enrollment. The vast majority of our courses have additional capacity for enrollment.You can see an always-updated list of available courses by clicking here.
For the handful of courses that have hit enrollment caps, that course will no longer appear for enrollment in GeniusSIS.  We don’t have a means of keeping a wait list, however, we will process any drop we receive at 9:59am each week day so that you can check for open slots at 10:00am each morning, first come, first served.
Please don’t hesitate to contact our staff if you have any questions!

Enrollment will remain open for high school original credit classes until September 8, 2017, with the exception of classes that fill, or if we reach or resource maximum.  At this point, we have room in the vast majority of courses!  Enroll away!

08/30/2017: High School Original Credit Enrollment Update

The Fall 2017 initial course request deadline has passed, and we have sectioned off courses and assigned teachers.  Enrollment remains open for Fall 2017 with remaining course capacity open for enrollment.  The vast majority of our courses have additional capacity for enrollment.  You can see an always-updated list of available courses by clicking here.

For the handful of courses that have hit enrollment caps, that course will no longer be available in GeniusSIS.  We don’t have a means of keeping a wait list, however, we will process any drop we receive at 9:59am each week day so that you can check for open slots at 10:00am each morning, first come, first served.

Please don’t hesitate to contact our staff if you have any questions!  Again, we remain open for your enrollments for Fall 2017!

08/29/2017: Enrollment Update

High School Original Credit

The Fall 2017 course request deadline is Tuesday, August 29, 2017 at 5pm. After that time, MTDA will section off courses and assign final teachers. Some courses may not be available for enrollment after that time once the course cap is reached.

A reminder per our announcement from this past spring: For the first time this fall, some MTDA original credit courses have firm course caps that may be reached before our course request deadline. Once that cap is reached, we are closed to enrollment under any circumstance. Please do your best to enroll students ASAP to maximize access.

Once we hit enrollment caps, that course will no longer be available in GeniusSIS. We don’t have a means of keeping a wait list, however, we will process any drop we receive at 9:59am each week day so that you can check for open slots at 10:00am each morning, first come, first served.

You can see an always-updated list of available courses by clicking here.

Middle School Multi-Language Sampler

MLS Session 1 was full as of August 23. This means we are unable to take additional enrollments under any circumstances. If you have enrollments that you would otherwise have made in session 1, we ask that you contact support,, so that we may note the need as we build a case for increased funding at the next legislative session.

We don’t have a means of keeping a wait list, however, any drops we get for any course will be processed at 9:59 am each week day. That will release any open slots, first come, first served.

Session 2 is filling quickly, but, slots are currently available in all four languages, including Spanish, Mandarin, German, and French.

08/23/2017: Enrollment Update; MLS Session 1 Full

Good afternoon from MTDA in Missoula!

An update: MLS Session 1 is full.  This means we are unable to take additional enrollments under any circumstances.  If you have enrollments that you would otherwise have made in session 1, we ask that you contact support,, so that we may note the need as we build a case for increased funding at the next legislative session.

We don’t have a means of keeping a wait list, however, any drops we get for any course will be processed at 9:59 am each week day.  That will release any open slot.

Session 2 is filling quickly, but, slots are currently available in all four languages, including Spanish (13), Mandarin (13), German (17), and French (5).

8/21/17: MLS Enrollment Open

Attention MTDA site facilitators: Middle school Multi-Language Sampler enrollment is open as of 8:00 am this morning.  Both fall sessions are enrollable as of today.  Enrollments are firmly limited to 125 enrollments per session, first come, first served.

Please review the Fall 2017 MLS information briefing information linked on the left-hand side of this page!

8/17/2017: Welcome back email sent out

Hello from MTDA offices in Missoula!

On August 17, MTDA released its first announcement email of our Fall 2017 semester.  If you did not receive the email, you can see the text of the email here: link.

If believe that you should be receiving emails, please check your spam filter and be sure to mark any MTDA announcement email as legitimate or “Not Spam.”  If you are not signed up for the announcement list or if you have unsubscribed and wish to be contacted with announcement information, please fill out the form here: link.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact MTDA via the support desk, support (at)


MTDA Offices Closed for Independence Day

Attention all users: Per our academic calendar, MTDA offices are closed from July 1 to July 4 for Independence Day.  During that time, teachers will be delayed in returning emails and the office staff will not be available.

MTDA staff will lightly monitor the MTDA helpdesk, however, users should expect to receive answers on July 5th, when offices reopen.

Online classrooms will remain open during the entire break.

We wish you and yours a wonderful Independence Day weekend!