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Author: MTDA Staff

High School Original Credit: Open Enrollment Closed; Late Enrollment Available for Most Classes

Hello from the Montana Digital Academy offices in Missoula!   As previously announced, open enrollment ended on our “Guaranteed Enrollment Deadline” on January 18, 2017.  However, we have added sections to as many courses as possible to keep enrollments open.  A list of open classes appears at this link: HERE.  The list is updated in real time.  Enrollment in open courses is first come, first served.  We are unable to reserve spots for closed courses.

The final deadline for enrollment is Monday, January 30, 2017, at 6pm.  We do want to caution you that students starting late in the program often experience trouble getting caught up to speed.  We ask that you assist the student and MTDA teacher by pushing that student to get logged in right away and completing assignments.

If you have any questions, help is just an email ( or phone call (406-203-1812) away!

Upcoming deadline

Attention site facilitators: As a reminder, Wednesday, January 18, 2017, is the guaranteed enrollment deadline for high school original credit for Spring 2017.  After tomorrow, MTDA will be sectioning off courses and full courses will be closed to enrollment.

As always, we are eager to answer your questions. Contact for prompt, friendly service!

MTDA Closed on January 16, 2017

Attention all users: Montana Digital Academy will be closed on Monday, January 16, 2017 for Martin Luther King day.

This means that our office, help desk, and teacher services will not be available until Tuesday at 8am.

The online classroom will remain open 24/7 over the weekend.

Happy Holidays from Montana Digital Academy!!

We’d like to announce our holiday schedule. We will be running a limited schedule from December 22, 2016, to January 2, 2017.

During that time:

  • Teacher services will not be available. You are encouraged to email your teachers with any issues, however, you will likely not receive a response until January 3rd.
  • The MTDA offices in Missoula are closed on December 26th and January 2nd. We will observe our normal business hours on other weekdays, 8am-5pm.
  • Support desk services are available but may be limited or delayed. Support tickets should be directed to

From all of our teachers and staff at MTDA, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

Happy Thanksgiving from Montana Digital Academy!

Thanksgiving Scene

Hello from Montana Digital Academy!

Montana Digital Academy will be closed from 5pm, Wednesday, November 23, 2016 to 8am, Monday, November 28, 2016 for the Thanksgiving holiday.

During that time, our online classrooms will remain open, however, our offices and help desk will be closed. There will also be no teacher services available.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Spring 2017 Enrollment for High School Original Credit and Middle School Multi-Language Sampler

Hello from MTDA offices in Missoula!

MTDA has moved open enrollment for the Spring 2017 High School Original Credit and Middle-School Multi-Language Sampler to the week of December 5, 2016.  MTDA staff is currently evaluating available resources and staffing for the spring program and will be able to take enrollments and announce availability then.

If you have any questions, please contact Jason Neiffer, MTDA Assistant Director/Curriculum Director, at jason.neiffer (at)


Montana Digital Academy closed for statewide professional development


Hello from MTDA offices in Missoula!

Per our academic calendars, MTDA will be closed October 20-21, 2016, for the statewide professional development and teacher conference week.  Closed means that:

  • The MTDA offices in Missoula are closed until 8am, Monday, October 24, 2016.
  • The MTDA support desk will only be lightly monitored for emergencies.  Helpdesk services will be active again at 8am, Monday, October 24, 2016.
  • Teachers are not expected to answer emails during the break, however, some/many will likely track email.
  • The online classrooms will remain open, 24/7.


9/26/2016: Credit Recovery Progress Report Available

Available again this fall, MTDA has a weekly progress report available to sites that utilize our credit recovery program.  The report is not automatically generated and first-time credit recovery support staff need to schedule an appointment with MTDA staff to discuss how to read and interpret the data.

If you are interested in receiving the weekly report, please contact the MTDA staff via the help desk,

9/26/2016: High School Original Credit Announcement

Tuesday, September 27, 2016, represents the final drop deadline for the Fall 2016 semester.  Local facilitators are responsible for putting drop requests into the MTDA student information system.  Directions on how to do so appear in our facilitator handbook.  A convenient short link to the click-by-click is available here:

Dropping students that are inactive, no longer in your school, or transferred to a face-to-face program is extremely important to conserve limited MTDA resources as all students that stay in the program past the add/drop period incur program costs.  We rely on you for your assistance here.  Thank you!

After the drop deadline, students that drop the program should receive an appropriate designation on their local transcript.