Photoshop Introduction
Course Length:
One semester
Course Description:
This course introduces students to the world of Adobe Photoshop. Students will get an insight into what it is like working in the visual and graphic design industry. Over 11 modules, students will learn everything from absolute basics like navigating Photoshop to performing complex tasks like editing and retouching photos, applying filters and effects, and even creating original artwork. The course contains guided, do-it-yourself projects, and great resources that will help students practice and learn how to work in Photoshop.
Comprehensive Syllabus:
Photoshop Introduction Public Syllabus
Specific Technical/Software Requirements in Addition to General Requirements:
Required Materials:
Access to Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Bridge Creative Cloud on a Windows or Mac laptop or desktop is a minimum requirement to this course. MTDA does not provide access to this software so please confirm you have access via your school or personal access before you enroll in the course. You are not required to purchase any books for this course.
Photoshop is a powerful processing/robust software program. Please review the minimum system requirements to run Photoshop on your own computer before you sign up for a Creative Cloud subscription.
Bridge is a powerful creative asset manager that lets you preview, organize, edit and publish multiple creative assets quickly and easily. Please review the minimum system requirements to run Bridge on your computer before you sign up for a Creative Cloud subscription.
You must also always back up your work to multiple storage devices. You may also want to purchase an external hard drive for backing up your work. You can also use Google Drive, Dropbox, or Adobe Creative Cloud Files to backup and store your files
Recommended Materials:
A graphics tablet is also strongly recommended when working in Photoshop.
Please review the general original credit software requirements at http://mtda.link/techreq
At least two current (most recent update) web browsers from the following list:
Mozilla Firefox
Microsoft Internet Explorer
Google Chrome
Apple Safari (MAC)
This course does not support Chromebooks.
Course Availability (subject to resource and teacher availability):
Fall: semester available
Spring: semester available
Lead Teacher:
Cindy Schultz, Sentinel High School, cindy.schultz@montanadigitalacademy.org