Biology A & B
Course Length:
Two one-semester courses (students must independently register for each semester)
Course Description:
Biology is a rigorous course that will introduce students to the living world around them. This course contains a mix of lab activities, projects, collaborative projects (not during Summer Sessions), video resources, and interactive learning activities. Topics include Chemistry of Life, Cells, Genetics, Ecology, Evolution, Classification, and Anatomy & Physiology. Critical thinking and writing skills will be developed throughout the course through reflective discussion questions.
Successful students exhibit strong individual study skills and have usually completed their freshman year of High School.
Comprehensive Syllabus:
Required Materials:
Biology A
Required: Materials for student-designed laboratory set-up in lesson 2.01 (materials will vary)
- raw egg
- string or thread or yarn
- ruler
- white vinegar
- tap water
- jar with a lid (like a mayonnaise jar)
Biology B Required:
- Timer or watch that counts seconds
- Sink
- Blindfold
- Washable paint or Food Coloring
- Paper Towels
- Soap
Specific Technical/Software Requirements in Addition to General Requirements:
Please review the general original credit software requirements at
In addition to the MTDA general software requirements, this specific course requires that students should have access to word processing software (Microsoft Office for example). Free versions are available online (OpenOffice, LibreOffice)
Course Availability (subject to resource and teacher availability):
Fall: A semester available
Spring: B semester available
Lead Teacher:
Chris Putzler, Flathead High School,