AP® Government and Politics A & B
Course Length:
Two one-semester courses (students must independently register for each semester)
Course Description:
Advanced Placement US Government and Politics is equivalent to an introductory college political science course. A student who takes the College Board exam in May must score at least a 3 (out of 5) to earn credit at most colleges or universities. A score of 3 will normally earn 3 semester credits at a Montana university or college. In order to earn a score of 3 or above a student must be able to score 60% or higher on the College Board exam, which consists of 55 multiple choice questions and 4 free response questions.
The MTDA course consists of 7 modules covering the structure of US government, its operations and politics in America. Each semester deals with 4 of these modules. Students must read and understand the text and complete multiple choice quizzes and tests (1 per module) as well as a proctored final exam for each semester.
Advanced Placement courses are open to all students, but students should be prepared for college-level work and have strong writing and analytical skills.
The ability to read entry-level college textbooks and related sources, to analyze the content and describe and explain what, how and why, to write concise and precise answers to Free Response Questions and to do well on timed comprehensive tests. The ability to ask relevant questions is highly desirable.
Comprehensive Syllabus:
AP Government & Politics Syllabus
Required Materials:
Specific Technical/Software Requirements in Addition to General Requirements:
Please review the general original credit software requirements at http://mtda.link/techreq
Course Availability (subject to resource and teacher availability):
Fall: A semester available
Spring: B semester available
Summer: Not available
Course is not available to join at semester without permission from MTDA Curriculum Director and Instructor.
Lead Teacher:
Ryan Cooney, Helena Public Schools, ryan.cooney@montanadigitalacademy.org