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AP® Art History A & B

Course Length:

Two one-semester courses (students must independently register for each semester)

Course Description:

Within AP Art History, students will explore the interconnections between art, culture, and historical context using critical analysis through the critical lenses of artistic expression, cultural awareness, and purpose. Using a defined art historical skill set and reflective learning, students will analyze relationships across cultures with a global lens. The examination of how people have responded to and communicated their experiences through art will enable students to think conceptually about art ranging from prehistoric to contemporary. Students will be active participants, engaging with art and its context as they read, research, and collaborate to learn about art, artists, art making, and responses to and interpretations of art.

Follow the link below for the College Board description of this course:


None. However, the course does require a high degree of commitment to academic work and to the purposes of a program designed to meet college standards. Students who have done well in other courses in the humanities, such as history and literature, or in any of the studio arts are especially encouraged to enroll.

Comprehensive Syllabus:  

AP® Art History Public Syllabus

Required Materials:

Teacher approved Art History book.

Specific Technical/Software Requirements in Addition to General Requirements:

Please review the general original credit software requirements at

Course Availability (subject to resource and teacher availability):

Fall: A semester available
Spring: B semester available
Summer: Not available

Lead Teacher:

Nicole Whitescarver, Missoula Country Public Schools,