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Spring Final Exams May 2018

Proctoring Information

Students in many MTDA original credit courses are required to take final exams in a proctored, secure exam environment.

Rationale: Per the request of both MTDA teachers and participating school district administrators and teachers, MTDA will ask local districts to create a proctored environment for class finals should that be necessary in specific MTDA courses. You can see a list of exams that require proctoring starting April 13, 2018 on this page: PUBLIC Link.

Procedures for proctored exams:

  • MTDA will offer student finals during their final exam period, scheduled for May 21-23, 2018.
  • NEW this semester, expected exam time frame will be included with passcodes and other exam instructions.
  • Proctor exams must be monitored by an adult (for example, a counselor, teacher, administrator or paraprofessional) named by the local site facilitator or school.  We have created a document with “best practices” for test proctors (see below). It may not be proctored by a parent or another student.
  • The designated proctor must supervise the student for the entire duration of the final exam.
  • All proctored exams are passcode protected.  The passcodes will be sent to the primary contact from each school, and that person should distribute passcodes to the designated proctors the week of May 7, 2018.  It is the responsibility of the local site facilitator to share appropriate passcodes with designated proctors. Passcodes are to remain secure, and shared only with appropriate school personnel.
  • Proctored exams mean that students have access to no other materials during the exam, including notes, textbooks, translators or other course materials. Some courses ask for additional factors as noted on the digital passcode sheet.
  • Designated proctors must also monitor students to make sure that additional browser windows are not open and that electronic devices like cell phones, iPads, tablet PCs, etc are not being used during the exam.
  • No finals will be available before May 21, 2018, with the exception of prior arrangements made for early exiting seniors. All final exams must be completed by May 23, 2018.  There will be a makeup day for exams on May 24-25, 2018 for students with verifiable medical excuses only.

** Spring Tests Only: As in past semesters, some AP courses will require earlier final examinations based on the AP exam schedule for students. **

Finals Proctoring Information Best Practices

Please print this document for sharing with your named proctored linked HERE.

Please direct questions about proctoring to  Christen Cole, MTDA Instructional Registrar,, 406-203-1812. Thank you for your cooperation.

Spring 2018 Original Credit Final Exams


MTDA Spring 2018 Original Credit Semester Finals will be administered May 21-23, 2018. Final exams must be taken on one of these dates, without exception.  Semester finals should be complete by 5pm on Wednesday, May 23rd. The date of final exams cannot be changed.

Please locate your class(es): Exam Proctor Information If your course has a YES in the proctored final column, you will need to take your exam in the presence of a local proctor. That person will have the password for your exam and any other important exam instructions.

Arranging for a proctor and time to take your exam is your responsibility.  The exam time arranged by you and your proctor must take place on May 21st, 22nd, or 23rd. Your proctor can be a school administrator, counselor, site facilitator, or other school personnel. It may not be a parent or another student. Start this process now, as it is not something you want to leave until the last minute! Make sure you know far ahead of time who your proctor will be and the best date/time to take your exam.

If your course has a NO in the proctored final column, you may still have a semester exam for your course, but a proctor is not required. See your course page and instructor for more information and announcements.

Spring 2016 Final Exams


MTDA Spring 2016 Original Credit Semester Finals will be administered May 16-18, 2016. Final exams must be taken on one of these dates, without exception. Wednesday, May 18, 2016 is the last day of Spring 2016 semester.  Semester finals should be complete by 5pm on Wednesday. The date of final exams cannot be changed.

Please locate your class(es) on this spreadsheet: Spring 2016 Final Exams Proctor Requirement

If your course has a YES in the proctored final column, you will need to take your exam in the presence of a local proctor. That person will have the password for your exam and any other important exam instructions.

Arranging for a proctor and time to take your exam is your responsibility.  The exam time arranged by you and your proctor must take place on May 16th, 17th, or 18th. Your proctor can be a school administrator, counselor, site facilitator, or other school personnel. It may not be a parent or another student. Start this process now, as it is not something you want to leave until the last minute! Make sure you know far ahead of time who your proctor will be and the best date/time to take your exam.

If your course has a NO in the proctored final column, you may still have a semester exam for your course, but a proctor is not required. See your course page and instructor for more information.