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Summer 2024 High School FlexCAP Briefing Page

MTDA Announcement

24-25 High School Flexcap Briefing
Counselors, Administrators, and Site Facilitators

Updated 4/01/2024

Notice to students and parents: This information is intended for distribution to public school districts and may contain details that do not apply to your local district’s program.  If you are interested in enrolling in credit recovery courses with Montana Digital Academy, your first contact should be with the counseling department or administration of your local school to discuss what is available locally.  Credit recovery courses are not available to students independent of a school-based credit recovery program.

Cost-Sharing Statement

On June 14, 2021, the MTDA Governing Board exercised its authority granted by MCA 20-7-1202 to begin cost-sharing with districts. This applies to the MTDA credit recovery program. Before enrolling any student for the upcoming term, please review our information page regarding payment: link.

  • A PO number will be requested upon enrollment for billing.

Important Notes

MTDA 24-25 FlexCAP program open enrollments (after March 15th, 2023):

  • This briefing document is intended for schools wanting to run a Summer FlexCAP school-based program. If you are looking for late Spring enrollment that DOES NOT include a summer program please review the SY24-25 FlexCAP Briefing Document
  • MTDA is transitioning to the Canvas Learning Management System. We are very excited about this change as it will provide many innovative features for student learning. All Summer FlexCAP enrollments will be in the Canvas LMS. There are some important considerations:
    • Students who were enrolled previously but did not complete will need to start over in the new system. Students will continue to have the opportunity to demonstrate mastery of content at the beginning of each unit. If mastery of 80% or better is achieved in the mastery check, the student will move on to the next unit.
    • Moving forward, students who enroll after 3/16/2024 and do not finish in their 11-week access period, can re-enroll and pick up where they left off.
  • MTDA is releasing new English I, II, III, and IV courses this summer.
    • Enrollment into these new courses will not be available until 6/1/2024 to allow the MTDA staff time to finalize these new courses.
    • If you have a senior who requires access to an English FlexCAP course between 3/16/2024 and 6/1/2024 please reach out to MTDA directly at to discuss options.
  • The FlexCAP program is open to any student regardless if they have previously failed or not.
  • The MTDA FlexCAP Courses have not been approved by the NCAA. If students require an NCAA-approved course, MTDA’s Original Program courses have all been approved.
  • SUMMER SURVEY REQUIRED FOR SUMMER PROGRAM: Before Friday, May 17, 2024, PLEASE be sure to fill out our program survey if you are delivering the FlexCAP program in your local school this summer.  This will assist us in planning and also allow MTDA to direct summer inquiries from our teaching and support staff to the appropriate person during the summer.  That survey is here:

Summer 2025 FlexCAP Survey

  • Summer does not lessen the requirement for local school support.  All assessments MUST be locally proctored to qualify for the delivery of credit, with no exceptions.  If a student can not be present on your campus, they do not qualify for FlexCAP services.

Program Details

We strongly urge you to review this entire page, even if you have previous experience in administering and/or supporting MTDA FlexCAP program at your local school.

Important Highlights:

  • MTDA FlexCAP program continues to be a school-based program where a dedicated local school official is responsible for the proctoring of all assessments in the program. MTDA FlexCAP program is not a home or remote-based program.
  • All Summer 2024 FlexCAP enrollments will have an end date of July 28, 2023, at 1:00 pm. (Note: this differs from the typical 55 days enrollment during the school year term).
  • ALL credit recovery courses are broken down into parts.  Students need to take, and pass, both “Part 1” and “Part 2” of the course to qualify for the recommendation of a semester credit. Each “part” course enrollment will have a cost-share fee of $61.50. Additional cost-sharing information is located on our cost-sharing page.
  • Any enrollments that have not finished by the July 28th deadline will be dropped. Students can be re-enrolled on 9/5/2023 (with a new cost-share fee) and can pick up where they left off in the course.
  • MTDA will run its Summer 2023 Credit Recovery program with the same live grading services as in the past.
  • Students enrolled in the credit recovery program will need to complete all assessments in the school-based proctoring environment, as in the past.
  • We expect schools will utilize the Summer 2023 credit recovery term to help with students that need credit during the late Spring.  We welcome these enrollments, but, please make sure these are students that you intend to participate in the program during the summer. (If you have late spring student enrollments who will not be participating in the summer they should be enrolled in the SY2023-24 Credit Recovery Term)


  • Enrollment opens: Thursday, March 16, 2023.  Until the summer staffing model begins, our credit recovery teaching pool will continue to do “next school day” grading. “Next school day” grading ends June 9, 2023.
  • Summer staffing begins: Monday, June 12, 2023.   ** We understand that many schools would like to start their credit recovery program before June 13. However, we cannot start earlier as most of our teachers are under contract with their local school until the week of June 9th.  This means they cannot work live shifts during the school day.
  • Last day to enroll: Monday, July 24, 2023 (This is later than in the past to allow maximum flexibility, but the student needs to be complete by the end date of July 28, 2023, at 1:00 pm or they will be dropped. The student can be re-enrolled on September 5, 2023, with a new cost-sharing fee. The student can pick up where they left off.)
  • Last day for Summer 2023: Friday, July 28, 2023, at 1 pm OR THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL-BASED LOCAL SUPPORT (if earlier).  It is the school’s responsibility to communicate the calendar to your students and parentsPlease drop any student that is incomplete after your local school program ends for the summer.
  • There are no extensions or late finishes. The student can be re-enrolled on September 5, 2023, with a new cost-sharing fee. The student can pick up where they left off.


  • All students new to the MTDA credit recovery program must complete the mandatory Orientation program.  The program is called “Credit Recovery (FlexCAP) Orientation” in GeniusSIS and must receive a “pass” to enroll in content-specific programs.  The orientation is open now.  Once a student takes and completes the orientation, they do not need to complete it again. There is no cost-sharing fee for the orientation course. The Credit Recovery (FlexCAP) Orientation is located under the term “Short Courses” in Genius.
  • The orientation program is approximately 2-3 hours of engagement time, dependent on student skill, reading level, and motivation.  Students that do not complete the orientation in a reasonable amount of time should be considered high-need enrollments and provided additional direct support locally.


  • Please review our student registration page in the Site Facilitator handbook for information on data collection and student registration.  That document is here: link.

Program Information

To facilitate forward progression of summer program students, MTDA will adapt our labor model to provide live coaching services during most of the school day.  Our teaching staff will work to turn around mastery assignments as quickly as possible in the order they are received.

We will provide those services from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., Monday-Friday.

Course Availability

MTDA offers our core catalog of most-requested classes in the summer format. ALL credit recovery (FlexCAP) courses are broken down into parts. Students need to take, and pass, both “Part 1” and “Part 2” of the course to qualify for the recommendation of a semester credit.

English/Language Arts

  • English I A
  • English I B
  • English II A
  • English II B
  • English III A
  • English III B
  • English IV A
  • English IV B


  • Earth Science A
  • Earth Science B
  • Biology A
  • Biology B

Social Studies

  • Geography A
  • Geography B
  • World History A
  • World History B
  • US History A
  • US History B
  • Government A
  • Government B


  • Pre-Algebra A
  • Pre-Algebra B
  • Algebra I A
  • Algebra I B
  • Geometry A
  • Geometry B
  • Algebra II A
  • Algebra II B


  • Health (One Semester)

Program Planning Notes

Time Commitment: The summer program is the same format and curriculum as the school year, utilizing a proficiency-based learning environment to provide a flexible but rigorous environment.  Based on statistics and analysis from Fall and Spring data, courses take the typical student 50-60 hours to complete the summer program and format, though we do see extremes in both directions.  Students that come to the program with below grade-level reading skills or self-regulation may take much longer.  The course requirements are not negotiable.

End of Semester Information and Procedures

The Summer 2023 High School Credit Recovery program ends on Friday, July 28, 2023, at 1 pm.  Please view the steps below for local support and/or site facilitators to help MTDA close out the semester.

If you have any student enrolled in a credit recovery course that is no longer attending school, is inactive, or otherwise not going to finish up, please put in a drop request for those students as soon as possible. This action helps the MTDA staff focus our attention on active students attempting to finish up the course.

SECOND, please note that a student must complete an entire course (Part 1 + Part 2) to qualify for a credit recommendation from MTDA. MTDA teachers or support staff are not able to excuse assignments due to pending deadlines.