Middle School 2D Art
Course Length:
One-semester course
Course Description:
Close your eyes and imagine you’re standing in an art studio—the smell of paint, the heat of the kiln, and the infinite creative possibilities that linger in the air. This is where art is born, and in 2D Studio Art, you’ll learn how to bring your art visions to life. Whatever medium you prefer—painting, drawing, photography—this course will teach you the design elements and principles needed to create a work of art, explore your artistic inspirations, travel back in time to look at art in different cultures, and gain insight about the art of critiquing. If you’ve ever dreamed about making a living as an artist, this course will give you the tools and background that you need to turn those dreams into a reality!
Comprehensive Syllabus:
Middle School 2D Art Public Syllabus
Required Materials:
- A working computer with reliable access to the internet is required.
- Various sizes of white drawing paper
- Various sizes of colored paper
- Paintbrushes in varying sizes
- Empty cans or jars to wash paintbrushes
- Rules and/or protractor
- Erasers
- Scissors
- Miscellaneous household objects to use for still life art
- Digital camera, camera phone, or other type of camera
Paint: (at least two or more of the following)
- Tempera Paint
- Watercolor
- Oil Paint
- Acrylic Paint
- Ink Wash
Drawing Tools: (at least two or more of the following)
- Pastels
- Markers
- Crayons
- Charcoal
- Colored Pencil
Specific Technical/Software Requirements in Addition to General Requirements:
Please review the general original credit software requirements at http://mtda.link/techreq
Course Availability (subject to resource and teacher availability):
Fall: available
Spring: available
Lead Teacher:
Leslie Snoke, Missoula County Public Schools, leslie.snoke@montanadigitalacademy.org