M121 – College Algebra Dual Credit
Course Length:
One-Semester Course
Course Description:
M121 College Algebra is designed to meet the initial math requirement for STEM majors, serving as a prerequisite for M151 Precalculus. It may also serve as a prerequisite for STAT216 Intro to Statistics. This course, M121 College Algebra, is offered for Dual Credit through a partnership between MTDA and Helena College. A separate application to Helena College is required.
This course is the study of polynomial, rational, radical, exponential, and logarithmic equations, inequalities, functions, and related graphs; circular equations and graphs; and systems of linear and non-linear equations and inequalities.
This course is available for dual credit only. Students may not take this course without the college credit component. Students who neglect to apply or don’t qualify for Helena College credit will be dropped from the course.
Intended for incoming high school junior or senior students
Comprehensive Syllabus:
M121 – College Algebra Dual Credit Public Syllabus
Required Materials:
Specific Technical/Software Requirements in Addition to General Requirements:
College Algebra, openstax online book https://openstax.org/details/books/college-algebra
Please review the general original credit software requirements at http://mtda.link/techreq
Course Availability (subject to resource and teacher availability):
Fall: semester available
Spring: semester available
Lead Teacher:
Nancy Bailey, Helena School District, nancy.bailey@montanadigitalacademy.org