AP® Statistics A & B
Course Length:
Two one-semester courses (students must independently register for each semester)
Course Description:
This course is designed to provide college-level instruction on the concepts and tools for working with data. Students collect and analyze data and draw conclusions based on real-world information. The course challenges students to explore patterns, think critically, use a variety of tools and methods, and report their findings and conclusions.
Access the site link below to view the PDF of the course description from the College Board:
Algebra II
Comprehensive Syllabus:
Required Materials:
graphing calculator
USB cord
Microsoft Excel
Specific Technical/Software Requirements in Addition to General Requirements:
Please review the general original credit software requirements at http://mtda.link/techreq
Course Availability (subject to resource and teacher availability):
Fall: A semester available
Spring: B semester available
Summer: Not available
Course is not available to join at semester without permission from MTDA Curriculum Director and Instructor.
Lead Teacher:
April Senger, Paris Gibson Education Center, april.senger@montanadigitalacademy.org