Middle School Science Grade 7 Earth Science
Course Length:
Two semesters
Course Description:
In the first semester students will learn about the scientific method and hone their understanding of using scientific measurements to Earth and Space Science. Also included are lessons on Earth maps and globes including detailed instruction on how to find specific locations using latitude and longitude. Students will learn about Earth movements, seasons, the Moon, tides, solar and lunar eclipses, the Sun and its role as the main source of light and energy in the solar system. They will learn about planets, asteroids, meteors, comets and their orbits and how force gravity holds it all together. Careful attention has been given to presenting the most updated information available in areas of discovery such as stars with planets and the latest methods of detecting them as well as a look at NASA’s most recent Curiosity landing on the Martian surface.
In the second semester study zeros in closer to home: Earth science. Yet, the coursework is uniquely integrated and applied to disciplines of study outside of Earth science. Starting with the Earth’s interior students study rocks and minerals, volcanoes, earthquakes, undersea ridges, trenches and mountains and how the study of Earth’s geologic history helps explain these phenomena. Students study weathering, soil and erosion as well as water in all its forms the water cycle, oceans and ocean currents.
Comprehensive Syllabus:
Required Materials:
- A working computer with reliable access to the internet is required.
Specific Technical/Software Requirements in Addition to General Requirements:
Please review the general original credit software requirements at http://mtda.link/techreq
Course Availability (subject to resource and teacher availability):
Fall: A available
Spring: B available
Lead Teacher:
DeLacy Humbert, Helena Public Schools, delacy.humbert@mtda.org